BoardroomPR handled publicity for the Florida’s Children First (FCF) Broward Child Advocacy Awards. We had a record turnout – with more than 250 Broward County child advocates, elected officials and judges- to honor standouts in our community. Honorees included NSU’s Dr. Fred Lippman, Boies Schiller & Flexner’s Stuart Singer and Carl Goldfarb and former foster child Tiervondria (Tia) McCall.
The event raised more than $100,000, which will be used by the organization to help vulnerable children around the state. FCF is a statewide advocacy organization focused on protecting the legal rights of at-risk and foster care children.
Among the evening’s incredible honorees was Dr. Frederick Lippman, Chancellor of the Health Professions Division of Nova Southeastern University. Dr. Lippman received the 2016 “Champion for Children” award for his to protect children and senior citizens and to improve Florida’s health care system. Stuart Singer and Carl Goldfarb of the Fort Lauderdale office of Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP (BSF) were recognized as this year’s “Child Advocates of the Year” for their work on a civil rights action on behalf of the approximate two million Florida children on Medicaid. It is one of the largest public interest class action lawsuits in the nation.
The 2016 “Youth Advocate of the Year” was Tiervondria (Tia) McCall, who became the youngest president of the Broward chapter of Florida Youth SHINE at age 15. Currently at age 18, she has served as chapter President for the past three years and has advocated for fellow foster youth locally and throughout the state of Florida.
Boardroom congratulates all of the 2016 honorees!

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