Chill Wine Tasting

The Coronavirus pandemic continues to affect the lives of everyone in Florida, including our local nonprofit organizations. Without the ability to host the annual fundraising events that many of these groups depend on, charitable organizations have been challenged to find creative new ways to raise funds to support their important work. Just look at Florida’s Children First and its upcoming CHILL Virtual Wine Tasting fundraiser!

This unique fundraising event, to be held on July 29 at 6pm (EDT), will provide a safe venue for Florida’s Children First (FCF)to raise critical funds that support their mission of helping kids in and aging out of foster care, many of whom have been dramatically impacted by the pandemic.

During this unique fundraising event, participants will “escape to Napa” as a master wine expert explains the featured wines, what makes them special, how to best complement each one, and much more. Participants can choose from a variety of premium wines from Napa’s renowned wine region, which will be shipped directly to their homes. For the past two decades, BoardroomPR has been proud to represent FCF for the organization’s statewide Florida PR.  There is no question, Florida’s Children First has spent the past two decades leading the charge for Florida’s underserved foster children as well as those sexually abused and handicapped by  advancing the rights of these at–risk populations through its legislative affairs efforts and work with regulatory bodies. To learn more about their work, or to register for the event, visit

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