Public relations is the foundation of all we do at BoardroomPR. For almost three decades, top-notch South Florida publicists, social media specialists, and web marketing pros have guided Florida’s corporations, PR for non-profits, small businesses, and start-up entrepreneurs to help them find their way into the local, regional, and national spotlight.
From expert media and Florida public relations crisis training to new product launches, special events, industry outreach, public affairs to website, and social media marketing, BoardroomPR’s highly experienced Florida Public Relations staff understands the importance of integrating the right strategies to attain positive publicity and memorable messaging.
BoardroomPR knows the news because we’re journalists at heart. Most of our experienced publicist team studied and practiced journalism in the field – earning invaluable experience we bring to every Public Relations client account (see link to view clients). We know what stories will resonate with reporters and producers. We know how to uncover details, and write and present a story that will capture the media’s attention and turn your message into a tale to be told.
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