we speak social.

We are creators, storytellers, analysts and hardcore social media strategists. We build brands, grow businesses, generate leads, drive conversions… We make you look good. Promise.

Whether part of a public relations, advertising, digital marketing or event promotion campaign, social media is a key element that reaches where few other media can go. We allow you to communicate directly with your customers, prospects and contacts on whatever device they’re using, wherever they may be. Social media management is more than just “followers”; it’s a marketing powerhouse.

Our goal is to deliver high-value, results-driven campaigns that are cost-efficient. We craft tailored strategic plans complemented by in-depth analytics to help your business reach qualified target audiences, understand their behavior and receive a return on investment.

Social media management should be a critical and central component of every company’s marketing communications toolbox.

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Their team is aggressive, smart and results-driven. They deliver media coverage from CNBC to the front pages of the Wall Street Journal. Julie and her team’s energy and enthusiasm to do a great job is unmatched! I highly recommend BoardroomPR!

- Steven Fischler

President, SRF Ventures

Boardroom promised us results and they delivered. The Wall Street Journal’s front page, Forbes, CNN, and NBC  are just a few examples. Boardroom’s media experts spoiled us.  They also helped us successfully launch Equilibrix, our email marketing company.

- Miriam Cohen

President, SelectJOBS.com and Equilibrix

When City National Bank was looking for public relations counsel, we wanted to find a firm that took the time to get to know us and what makes us unique. BoardroomPR is that partner– they understand our industry, know the communities we serve and have delivered quality results.

- Eddie Dominguez

Sr. Vice President, City National Bank

We turned to BoardroomPR to help us drive awareness and branding throughout South and Central Florida and the Gulf Coast. Working with them is easy. They know their craft and ask the right questions to develop story lines that generated exposure throughout Florida and the industry.

- Mark Holmes


Many thanks to the more than 60 PR professionals who attended yesterday’s Goldcoast PR Council meeting on AI Tips for PR – and special thanks to the presenters from Boardroom PR: Daniel Benjamin, Mara Gordon and Ashley Kearns.

- Gary Schweikhart

Co-Founder, Goldcoast PR Council

I was the first employee hired at Boardroom in 1990 and I’ve since watched the company grow with the same integrity, dedication and ROI. Boardroom is top of my list when referring a client to a PR agency.

- Lisa Buyer

Author of Social PR Secrets

Boardroom communications is a top-notch PR firm that has amazing contacts to connect its clients with media sources for significant exposure. Todd Templin is creative and always thinking about his clients and how he can best serve them and their needs! I highly recommend Todd and his team at Boardroom!

- Beth Azor

Azor Advisory Services

Fantastic partners! They have been a key component in our growth at RKW Residential.

- Joya Pavesi

RKW Residential, Vice President of Marketing and Strategy

The team at BoardroomPR is flexible, efficient and professional. What impresses me the most is that they have great understanding of our business, and are always proactive in searching out media opportunities in the publications that matter to us.

- Vicky Jones

Dir. Business Solution Design, C3/C.C.C.

When we looked to partner with a public relations firm more than 15 years ago, we chose BoardroomPR because they understood our business and vision. Their strategic and thoughtful approach to our PR campaign has helped us build our brand, locally and nationally.

- Ruth Trezevant

Ruth Cyrus, VP Marketing, Oasis Outsourcing


Facebook has over 2 billion active users spending several hours each week on the platform. A recent study reported that about 80 percent of adults from 18 to 49 use Facebook, along with 55 percent of people 50 and older.

By utilizing Facebook advertising, you can both reach your exact audience and grow your business’s online presence. Use Facebook to show your human side in a successful and cost-effective way. Some of the Facebook advertising features include detailed demographic targeting, customized audiences, retargeting, a/b testing, and built-in ad performance measurement and insight tools.


Instagram has over 1 billion active monthly users checking the platform multiple times a day. It’s increasingly becoming a platform that is not just for personal use. Did you know that over 200 million business have profiles on Instagram? Instagram connects people directly to brands. On average, 90% of people follow at least one business on Instagram. Instagram allows businesses to stay competitive, humanize their content, showcase their products and services and build relationships. And as people continue to join Instagram in herds, businesses now have a unique opportunity to promote themselves in an authentic way.

However, the success for business on Instagram is more than posting vivid images--it’s the result of a well-thought-out strategy complemented with visual creativity and efficient community management.


When it comes to LinkedIn, it’s all about building networks and connections. LinkedIn is an essential personal branding tool. Try searching your name on Google. Did your LinkedIn profile come up? It should have appeared on the first or second page organically. People will likely search for you before meeting you so it’s a perfect opportunity to set a great first impression and control what they discover.

Linkedin goes beyond who you know. The real power of LinkedIn is being able to tap your existing relationships and their connections. Don’t limit your LinkedIn strategy to just a personal profile, especially one that’s treated as a resume. With over 750 million users, LinkedIn excels as a B2B networking tool, creating awareness for high-quality leads who are likely to become customers or connections.

Our experts know how to optimize LinkedIn personal profiles and how to build and grow a company page that generates the best results. When done correctly, LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for driving sales.


Anyone can create a Twitter account and start tweeting. On the other hand, growing your Twitter account is so simple, and using it as a tool that builds your brand, creates awareness and potentially generates leads, is even more complex.

One in every five adults use Twitter. With over 38 billion monthly active users, Twitter can benefit your company by establishing stronger relationships, branding, improving organic search engine rankings and monitoring.

Our expert social media specialists understand how Twitter’s platform works and will help create new opportunities to grow your business online from sharing information, to networking to reputation management.


YouTube is becoming more and more important as social media users become increasingly hooked by video and multimedia content. YouTube has an impressive 2.3 billion active users, providing a huge and potentially untapped audience for your company.

Creating content for YouTube can be as easy as choosing a video and pressing post, but the real engagement and consumer connections come from engaging and entertaining content. Our team of multimedia experts knows how to create content that will excite users and is constantly working to stay ahead of the curve on what’s #trending.


A relatively new platform, TikTok has absolutely exploded, and has a huge 689 billion user base. Depending on your target audience, TikTok is a great platform that will allow you to interact with your consumers. The platform is primarily used by younger generations and boasts an algorithm that allows for videos to quickly “go viral”.

While videos on TikTok go viral often, they will not generate actual results unless they are engaging and entertaining. Our social media, multimedia, and branding video experts know how to create catchy content that is sure to hook your audience. The importance of social media is not to get the most views possible on a video, but to create real engagement with your audience.


When used correctly, Snapchat helps to curate your content in a way that makes viewers feel connected to you. This platform is all about relationships and making your consumers feel as though they know you and relate to you. Snapchat has more than 290 million daily active users and many spend significant amounts of time throughout their day on the app.

The key to Snapchat is quick and personal video content. Show your personality and engage with your viewers, and you can helps your audience feel a genuine connection to you and your company.


Pinterest is the perfect place to bring all types of content together. You can connect posts from all social media platforms in one place on specifically curated Pinterest boards that show your brand’s personality. There are about 478 million monthly active users on Pinterest.

Pinterest is a platform that people go for inspiration. Position your company in a way that expresses the best you have to offer and strive to inspire your audience. Many trends find their footing on Pinterest before making their way to the mainstream market.

Three ways we #TurnUpTheVolume:

1. Content Creation
2. Performance Social (a.k.a Paid Advertising)
3. Analytics Reporting

Content Creation

Your audience is not logging on to social media to read your sales pitch. Guaranteed.
Users are looking for more of an intimate experience on social media. So why not create content that caters to how your audience is using each platform?

We create meaningful interactions.

Social media is about engagement – crafty, creative, compelling engagement. Content that attracts and transforms visitors into followers, friends and customers. Whether through online videos or captivating posts and updates that are creative and engaging, social media allows your audience to see and hear your message in new and novel ways.

A lot of marketers forget the importance of storytelling. We produce content that tells stories to generate engagement and build an emotional connection between you and your audience. Ultimately, their experience with your business begins before they meet you, so why not make it one they won’t forget?

So how do we do that? We listen.

At BoardroomPR, we know social media. We elevate our clients’ social media platforms. From crafting your Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube Channel, corporate blog, or other social media presence, or improving what you already have, we make your social presence consumer-friendly and media-ready. We work with your executives to grow your social media presence, build an audience, and maximize engagement.

Month to month, you tell us your marketing goals and we develop creative content strategies that are likely to get you the desired results. From vivid imagery to eye-catching animation to customized graphics, we integrate the latest social media trends with top-notch multimedia software to generate content that gets your audience engaged.

And, let’s not forget video. Social media platforms prefer them to photos. Why? Because their users (your target audience) like them better, too. Studies show that a clip can be up to 600 percent more effective as a marketing tool than print and direct mail combined. Videos are the perfect way to captivate your audience and tell your story.

Performance Social a.k.a Paid Advertising

The organic reach of unpaid social media marketing continues to decline, so simply posting won’t make the cut.

We help you compete on social media.

However, just because the main social media networks offer advertising options, not all are a great fit for every business. We identify the right social media networks to advertise your business and put together a realistic budget that’s going to help you see the desired results. Along the way, your brand builds its presence. Your message gets delivered. Your influence is extended in ways unheard of generations ago.

Plus, we keep an eye on the competition. We’ll tell you what they’re doing, what they’re not and everything in between.

Quality over quantity.

We produce paid social media campaigns that are likely to get high-quality results from the audience you’re targeting. We work with you in identifying your target audience on each platform so we can create an engaged following for your business that’s comprised of your biggest supporters and potential customers.

We push them along the sales funnel.

We utilize the Facebook Pixel, the company's advertising service, and your customized lists to market to your website visitors, current and past clients and prospects with creative social media ads.

Analytics Reporting

The importance of social media reports continues to increase as businesses invest more and more in social media. Our analyses not only demonstrate ROI, but we also show you what’s working, and what’s not; we pinpoint trends, study audience behavior and track conversions.

It doesn’t stop there.

We go beyond reporting the data; we study each post and part of the campaign to make adjustments for better performance.

Reputation Management

While BoardroomPR is a top South Florida crisis management firm, we don’t want you to get to a point where you need us for that. The best way to avoid a crisis is to be proactive. By managing your online reputation, we know how to protect you and your company from crises born out of miscommunications, oversights or client frustration. By handling situations as they arise and always maintaining an awareness of what your audience values, we are able to help you avoid crises. Sometimes clients can become frustrated and leave a comment or a review that is less than ideal for your company’s image. We know how to handle every situation uniquely to provide an outcome with both a happy customer and a maintained reputation for your company. Clearing up miscommunications as they arise is always better than waiting for a situation to spiral into a full-blown crisis.

Competitive Analysis

Type your name into Google. What are the results? You want to maintain a social media presence that reflects the reputation that you have worked so hard to create. By optimizing our team of expert SEO consultants, we know how to make sure that your best assets are the first results that clients see. As a top South Florida SEO company, this is something we take very seriously.

We constantly monitor your competitors’ social media presences so that you don’t have to. By keeping up with social media trends and maintaining an awareness of current events, we know how to keep your social media fresh and engaging. We’re always striving to be ahead of the curve, so that you can stay ahead of the curve. Contact us today for a free competitive analysis so that you can see your position in your social media market.