Getting Noticed in the Twitterverse
April 3, 2014
The series finale of How I Met Your Mother was barely rolling its final credits when Twitter erupted with commentary. Using the hashtags #HIMYM or #HIMYMfinale, millions of viewers unleashed their anger and frustration in the form of even millions more tweets over the portrayal of the death of one of the characters.
As with almost any form of marketing, getting noticed on Twitter is about being indispensable, irreplaceable and irresistible. Truth is, becoming an online brand is no easy process. But you don’t need the nine-year run of #HIMYM to make it happen either.The eruption – a phenomenon called “trending” in social media jargon – is akin to hitting pay dirt in the twitterverse. On Twitter, celebrities and South Florida business owners alike strive for that kind of attention.
As with any social media marketing effort, getting noticed takes time, persistence and awareness of what’s going on around you. How can you grow your Twitter profile?
Be followed and follow alike. On Facebook, you have Friends or Likes. On Twitter, those who want to read what you’re writing are called followers. The more who follow you, the more likely your content is to be shared, or “retweeted.” But it’s a two-way street. Follow those who follow you, and encourage following by putting the blue Twitter icon on your blog or website and even your email signature.
Comment – often. Social media isn’t for wallflowers. Be part of the conversation. When people comment, respond. When they tweet, retweet. Engagement is highly personal.
Track fast-moving trends. Whether it’s a high-profile lawsuit, a new fashion hitting the market, or a popular television show coming to an close, find your niche to which to hitch your own story. If “newsjacking” is taking a headline story and making it your own, do the same with social media. Write a blog about the story, share that blog on your Facebook, then “syndicate” it to your Twitter. Write once, share often, grow your exposure.
Engage all your social media. Anyone who knows a blog from a tweet knows Twitter, Facebook, blogging and even YouTube don’t live in vacuums. They’re part of a social media toolkit that together can propel each other’s comments and content to higher planes of success.
If you can’t DIY, hire someone who can. Social media engagement may take more time than you’re willing to invest. Find an employee to handle the process, or hire a social media marketing firm versed in the process.
Even as #HIMYM came to a close, the show did more than finally tell fans “how I met your mother.” It revealed how to turn Twitter into a brand builder.