Whether it is an insurance agency, advocacy organization, or an attorney specializing in insurance law, Boardroom knows where you need to be to get your news published. We have relationships with insurance reporters throughout Florida and several national trade journals. Our articles have been published in the Insurance Journal, Best’s Review, Claims, Florida Trend, and several other prominent industry publications.

Florida Insurance Company PR

Representative clients include

Insurance Companies

  • Florida Peninsula Insurance- Media Relations
  • Ameriflood
  • Star Casualty- Media Relations
  • United Automobile Insurance Group- Public Affairs


  • Florida Property and Casualty Association


  • Setnor Byer Insurance & Risk
  • Claro Insurance
  • Sapoznik Insurance
  • Insurance Express
  • DBS Financial

Law Firms

  • Colony, Fass, Talenfeld, Karlinsky & Abate- firm with internationally recognized
  • leaders in the insurance industry. BoardroomPR handles media relations and public affairs.
  • Marshall Dennehey – A top regional insurance defense law firm (state of Florida)


  • “Stop the Fraud” property insurance campaigns 2015-2020
  • “Get Flood Insurance Coverage” – 2014-2019
  • “Saving PIP” 2004 Public Affairs Campaign
  • “Killing PIP” 2006
  • Publicized community forums to explain new homeowners’ regulations.
  • Dealt with community-based advocacy groups on insurance issues.
  • Spearheaded a statewide pool safety campaign.
  • Lead a child safety seat “proper fit” campaign.

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“BoardroomPR has been an invaluable partner in helping the Family Resource Center fund-raise, friend-raise and become better known in the community. Their team applied its considerable skill and creativity to help raise awareness using a multi-media approach and ultimately helped us develop contacts in the community.”

- Oren Wunderman Ph.D

Executive Director, Family Resource Center

Thank you to the talented team at BoardroomPR for their diligent work garnering press coverage for us in South Florida and nationally in business and trade media. Highly responsive and tenacious, they are experts at positioning our advisors as thought leaders and subject matter experts.

- Grant Rawdin

Founder and CEO Wescott Financial Advisory Group LLC

Boardroom Communications has been a great friend to Legal Aid. Their PR work, event sponsorship, Executive Council participation and  business introductions have helped us tremendously. No question, Don and Julie Silver Talenfeld and their staff are first rate!

- Anthony Karrat

Executive Director, Legal Aid Services of Broward County

Hiring BoardroomPR for our PR and Marketing has been one of the best decisions our company has made. We have grown as a team, as a company and in the process added Boardroom’s team as part of the Tobin family.

- Kenia C. Lee

Tobin, Inc./Tobin Real Estate

We turned to BoardroomPR to help us drive awareness and branding throughout South and Central Florida and the Gulf Coast. Working with them is easy. They know their craft and ask the right questions to develop story lines that generated exposure throughout Florida and the industry.

- Mark Holmes


I am not sure where our non-profit would be without BoardroomPR, but I do know that with their great public relations services and guidance we are able to raise several million dollars in private funding every year! No South Florida charity or corporation should be without them!

- Sarah Franco

Executive Director JAFCO

They spent countless hours to develop a fabulous website supported by high profile social media, SEO and PR campaigns, video production and special event support, helping us generate new admissions. They always come through for us!

- Alice Hendrickson

Director of Admissions/Financial Aid, St. Marks Episcopal

We absolutely love working with the BoardroomPR team.  They have guided us in a multitude of directions, telling the St. Thomas Aquinas story to our alumni, current and potential families. They have embraced the traditions and excellence that STA continues to uphold. The team approach has been ideal for our administration.

- Margie Scott

Vice Principal, St. Thomas Aquinas High School

When we looked to partner with a public relations firm more than 15 years ago, we chose BoardroomPR because they understood our business and vision. Their strategic and thoughtful approach to our PR campaign has helped us build our brand, locally and nationally.

- Ruth Trezevant

Ruth Cyrus, VP Marketing, Oasis Outsourcing

Their team is aggressive, smart and results-driven. They deliver media coverage from CNBC to the front pages of the Wall Street Journal. Julie and her team’s energy and enthusiasm to do a great job is unmatched! I highly recommend BoardroomPR!

- Steven Fischler

President, SRF Ventures


Let Us Help You Reach Your Business Goals

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From publicizing major deals and promoting important issues, to organizing press conferences and controlling crisis situations, having BoardroomPR on your team is your best insurance policy.

  • The ongoing flow of information to the media on new execs, products, locations, andservices.
  • Financial news releases.
  • Inclusion in trend stories on important topics regarding property and casualtyinsurance regulations, laws, policy language, Citizens, agents, etc.
  • Byline article placements in business and trade publications.
  • Staying abreast of current news – commenting on the financial outlook, rates,weather, and claims.
  • Meeting reporters on a regular basis who then turn to these experts as sources.
  • Human interest stories on managers and executives.
  • Human interest stories on people whom the bank or financial institution hashelped.
  • Community relations media coverage on the numerous charitable and civic organizations that these institutions support.
  • Producing agent newsletters.
  • Calendar announcements.
  • Providing support in the areas of event management and publicity, branding,consumer research, and Website promotion and development.
  • Submitting client personnel for awards and recognition.

Banks and financial institutions by their very nature have significant news to report. BoardroomPR is uniquely positioned to maintain the flow of communication to the media through our opportunistic approach to corporate communications and depth of contact.

The combination of hard-hitting financial news and softer human interest stories has proven to be the right mix to keep the banks and credit unions top of mind for customers, shareholders, and the community at large.