How Your Current Clients Can Help You Land Your Next Prospect
September 29, 2014
You love your company and aren’t afraid to tell prospects why they should hire you. Or, maybe you are weary of the hard sell and miss the opportunity to explain why your business is one of the best.
One of the best methods, other than hiring a PR firm that is, is to let your clients speak your praises for you. One of the reasons why third-party rating sites such as Angie’s List or Yelp have gained tremendous popularity is the fact that consumers want to hear what other people think of your business. A positive review from a seemly unbiased source can be one of the most powerful tools in your marketing plan.
So, how do you get your clients to share why they love working with you? One method is through video testimonials on your website and/or social media pages. These can be filmed using a cell phone in most cases and can be less than a minute long. Recently, BoardroomPR had the opportunity to attend a client appreciation event for our real estate client Franklin Street. At the event we asked a few of the company’s clients to just say a few works about why they enjoy working with them.
The result can be seen here.