Connect on Linkedin

With a lack of face-to-face luncheons and after-hours networking events, now is a great time to refocus your online networking strategy. Many of us already use social media to connect with family, friends and our favorite brands, but these platforms are equally as important for professional networking. If you aren’t using LinkedIn, what are you waiting for?

For those who prefer to keep their personal life separate from the office online, LinkedIn is the perfect platform. In fact, it’s the preferred B2B social media channel. Your profile may even be your first impression to a potential client who researches you online.

If you’re new to LinkedIn or just not sure how to maximize your time on the site, here are some simple tips:

  1. Make sure your profile is updated and includes your headshot. Fill in as many of the fields as possible to create a robust view of your background. Pro Tip: Customize your public profile URL and include keywords in your summary for SEO purposes.
  2. Once your profile is set, start connecting with people you know. Many times, LinkedIn will even suggest contacts for you. This is an ongoing process as you will want to keep growing your network each week. Pro Tip: You have the option to include a personal message with the invitation.
  3. Now that you have connections, start making posts. Share an interesting article, news about your business, or a photo of your staff at work. This is a great way to stay top of mind with your contacts who will see your name and your posts on their news feed. Pro Tip: If you paste in an article link from a news site LinkedIn will automatically populate an image to go with it. Visuals are key for attracting attention on a crowded newsfeed.

It may seem overwhelming to keep up with, but if you spend a few minutes a couple days a week you will find that it’s really pretty simple. LinkedIn will continue to suggest new contacts and let you know when someone has a work anniversary or a job change. If you download the app on your phone you can access LinkedIn when you’re waiting for a meeting to start or just waiting on a friend for dinner.

Still feel stuck? The social media and online marketing team at BoardroomPR can assist with getting you or your company set up, connected and engaged. Whether you are a lawyer, a realtor, a restaurant owner or a nonprofit organization director, LinkedIn will help you stay connected while we remain socially distanced.  

Michelle Griffith Circle

Michelle Griffith

Vice President

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