tag archive: Linkedin.

In part one of our summer marketing tips series, we shared some simple ways you can jumpstart your marketing and new business development efforts this season. As Florida public relations pros and social media experts, we’ve seen firsthand how easily marketing objectives can slide to the bottom of a busy[...]

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Following its 2002 launch, LinkedIn quickly became known as the social media platform for business networking. Professionals utilize LinkedIn to make invaluable connections, job hunt or establish themselves as industry leaders. If you haven’t looked at your profile in a while, now is the time to do[...]

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While Facebook may be the king of social media networks, Linkedin sits on the throne of online professional networking, owning the territory of business development, job opportunities and professional interactions.   Serving 830 million members worldwide, Linkedin reports experiencing record levels of engagement growth for six[...]

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linkedin 5 things 01 01 scaled

With a lack of face-to-face luncheons and after-hours networking events, now is a great time to refocus your online networking strategy. Many of us already use social media to connect with family, friends and our favorite brands, but these platforms are equally as important for[...]

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