tag archive: BoardroomPR.

Remember the infamous 30-minute Domino’s guarantee? Ditched after a speeding driver’s accident. Or Chick-fil-A’s “no-hormones” pledge? Vanished after confusing and angering customers who chose its product because its poultry was hormone free. This isn’t just a national brand issue; local businesses face similar situations, from[...]

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If you’re reading this, you’re probably aware that social media isn’t just about pretty pictures and clever captions anymore. It’s a dynamic space where real connections happen, and as BoardroomPR Social Media Director, I’ve seen firsthand how community management can make or break your brand’s online[...]

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Video marketing remains king on social media, continually proving itself as the most effective method for showcasing brands. That said, why not take it to a new level? As we continue to innovate in 2024, marketing strategies are shifting to embrace more dynamic and engaging tools. One[...]

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Blogging has come a long way from a place to share personal musings to a powerful tool for businesses to engage, inform and inspire their audiences. Here are seven reasons why blogging is not just important, but indispensable to your marketing strategy. Building Authority and[...]

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