Legal Eagle Blog

We are news junkies, plain and simple. Because of this, we are always watching and reading to find the latest headlines and updates in several areas, including those that affect the many lawyers and law firms we represent for their Florida legal PR.

In 2016, BoardroomPR founder and law firm marketing PR pro Julie Talenfeld saw a need for a Facebook community for South Florida legal news and created the Legal Eagle South Florida group. In just two years, the group grew to more than 1,400 members, including some of the state’s top legal professionals, marketers and those interested in keeping up with the latest industry updates. The group expanded to Central Florida in 2018 and went statewide a year later. Today, Legal Eagle Florida reaches more than 2,600 members across the state.

Legal Eagle Florida is a venue for lawyers, legal marketers and related vendors to share the latest news impacting the field. Members opine on topics of interest, ask questions, share event and networking opportunities — anything relevant to Florida’s rich legal industry.

People need to know what is happening in the legal community and courts. The news that is shared in the group has the potential to impact the everyday lives of attorneys and their firms. I invite everyone to join in so that your news, opinions and comments are publicized across the state.

BoardroomPR is one of the largest PR and integrated marketing agencies in Florida, specializing in media relations, social media, online marketing, SEO, branding, public affairs and crisis management for notable law firms in Florida and beyond.

We invite you to join the Legal Eagle Florida group today by clicking here.

Don Silver Headshot

Don Silver

Chief Operating Officer

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