No one knows the issues that are important to you and your industry like you do. Recent events, legislative developments and cultural anniversaries can spark the idea behind the need to speak up and speak out. The Opinion section of newspapers is a great place to voice your concerns, thoughts and, well… your opinions.

Take the Legacy Foundation of Palm Beach County. They understand the importance of saving the performing arts from disappearing in the lives of young students. Jon Lappin, president and executive director of the Foundation is the author of one of the Palm Beach Post’s latest point of view pieces. In his open letter, he educates the public on the issues: the decline of funding and resources allocated to music programs, the loss of interest as a result, and need to infuse the culture back into the community.

Want to get in on the action? Here are a few tips to a great OpEd or letter to the editor:

1. Don’t lose your audience – Keep it short and to the point. For letters, 150-200 is the magic word count, and longer Open Mic type OpEds usually average 300-400 words.

2. Show your passion – Use definitive language to help make your point.

3. Keep it simple – Speak in a tone that people not familiar with your issue can understand.

4. Sign your letter – Make it easy for readers to contact you. A company name or email address is ideal.

5. Submit it to the publication the way they want you to.  Today, many require an upload.

Do you think you’re ready? Help spread the word and get others on board with your cause.

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