Let’s talk Instagram! Check out the newest Instagram Features in 2022
June 22, 2022
As a platform that has more than two billion active users, Instagram is constantly adding new features to improve user experience and stand out against their competitors.
Staying up to date with their never-ending updates and implementing them into your social media marketing strategy is essential for audience growth and the trend discovery process, which in turn, fosters new business opportunities.
The top new Instagram updates and features in 2022 are:
Longer Reel Videos
Users can now create 90-second reels, in comparison to the original 60. This allows marketers to incorporate more of the storytelling aspect to their content that users crave.
Interactive Stickers in Reels
Reels recently incorporated fun stickers, similar to the ones used in stories. For an overview of how to integrate these, take a look at my previous blog on the variety of stickers available In stories.
Pin Your Posts
Pick your 3 top posts and pin them on your profile, making them the first posts displayed on your grid. You can spotlight important news, a new item for sale, or simply just your favorite picture/reel.
Instagram x Amber Alerts
Amber Alerts are now available on Instagram in 25 countries around the world. When there is an active search for a missing person, you will get an Instagram amber alert notification. The Alert will include:
- The missing child’s photo
- Details about the missing child
- Contact details to report any information about the child
Although this isn’t a feature directly impacting marketing strategies for businesses, it is a way for these organizations to be a part of the community and contribute to matters important to these active members.
Instagram Collabs Feature
With collaborators and creators on the rise, giving them credit and acknowledgment when due is key. This feature will give users the option to collaborate with one another. The post will feature both of your handles, show on both profiles, expand your audience, and boost engagement. Here’s how to use it:
- Step 1: Create a new feed post or reel by following your usual steps
- Step 2: When adding post details, tap on the “Tag people” option
- Step 3: Choose the “Invite collaborator” option and select their username
- Step 4: Click “Done” and share your post
Note: The collaborator will have to accept the request for it to be featured on both of your profiles.
BoardroomPR is always keeping up with the latest updates and trends throughout different social media platforms so you don’t have to! Check out our latest post on LinkedIn’s updates and features in 2022!
If you’re interested in learning how you can implement these changes into your marketing strategy, contact the social media specialists at BoardroomPR.

Andrea Ugarte
Digital PR Specialist