With monthly readership of 250,000 and more than 100,000 monthly website visits, there is no question that Florida Trend (FT) is the state’s top business magazine.  That’s why BoardroomPR works so closely with its editors and writers to pitch great stories and expert commentary from our Florida PR clients.

The August issue just arrived, and we are pleased to have two of our excellent clients included:  HeartWell LLP’s Dr. Ramon Quesada on using the latest dissolvable stents used in interventional cardiology procedures, and the Associated Builders and Contractors East Florida Chapter‘s ABC Institute, regarding the impact it is having on training tomorrow’s construction industry pros.

With Florida Trend readers having an average income well over $100,000, it’s the place to be if you want to build your brand, generate maximum buzz to your target market and do more business in Florida.

Give us a call today or visit www.boardroompr.com, if you’d like to discuss taking your company’s traditional PR, social media and online marketing to a new level.

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