posts under: Newsroom.

Today marks the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Survivors, many in their 80s and 90s, gathered to commemorate this historical date. Records estimate that more than 1 million people, most of them Jews, were killed between 1940 and 1945, when Soviet troops liberated[...]

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BoardroomPR’s COO Don Silver will be a guest speaker at Florida International University’s seminar titled “Social Media: Adding Impact to the Message” on January 28, 2015. Social media is an increasingly important aspect of running your business. It includes aspects of branding, public relations, marketing[...]

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As we near the end of the month, many people have already failed with their New Year’s Resolution. Whether it’s losing weight, exercising more, keeping your desk neat, or starting a book list, most of us tend to fall back to our old ways –[...]

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The entire Ferguson situation, while extremely polarizing on a social, political and emotional level, taught an important lesson about the value of public relations. Getting in front of an issue, speaking to the public and ensuring your side of the story is told is key[...]

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Every time a reported story turns out to be false, the public loses its faith in the press. Case in point, in the past month, two stories reported from credible outlets turned out to be riddled with inconsistencies or completely fabricated. Rolling Stone recently published[...]

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The recent high-profile hacking of Sony Pictures has caused a public relations nightmare for all involved. More confidential company data, internal email exchanges and unreleased movies continue to be leaked by the group calling itself “#GOP,” which stands for Guardians of Peace. The spotlight is[...]

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An Austin-based public relations firm with a strange name broke an important industry rule and was forced to learn its lesson the hard way this week. Strange Fruit Public Relations, a firm specializing in hospitality and culinary PR, came under a social media firestorm after[...]

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