posts under: Newsroom.

The Russian arms company Kalashnikov Concern, known best for making the AK-47, is trying to rebrand itself and the assault rifle after U.S. sanctions on Russia prevent Russian arms from being imported by American and Canadian stores with hopes the public relations campaign will create[...]

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BoardroomPR is sad to hear about the sudden passing of a former client, John “Hans” Huseby, 64, who together with his wife Laurie produce one of the most successful road races in the country: The Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run. Next year will be the 30th year[...]

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Window shopping isn’t just a phrase coined by frugal mall dwellers, but rather a term studied extensively by retailers across the world to help lure shoppers into their store. Many companies that provide those retailers with lighting, flooring and designs are members of The Association[...]

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It’s an exciting time for BoardroomPR’s real estate developer client Steven McCraney, president and CEO of McCraney Property Company (MPC). He just launched his fourth spec industrial project in the past 18 months. MPC announced the development of its new 33.8-acre Turnpike Business Park project,[...]

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Got press?

November 14, 2014

What a wonderful experience speaking with FIU Adjunct Professor Hugo Ottolenghi’s FIU PR writing class last night. There is no question, it is a labor of love for the former Scripps business editor and Daily Busines Review real estate editor. His 20 students were engaged, learning[...]

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