Got press?
November 14, 2014
What a wonderful experience speaking with FIU Adjunct Professor Hugo Ottolenghi’s FIU PR writing class last night. There is no question, it is a labor of love for the former Scripps business editor and Daily Busines Review real estate editor. His 20 students were engaged, learning and having fun doing it. The energy in the room was evident.
We covered the ins and outs of using media alerts and press releases, reporter targeting and successfully pitching launch a PR campaign in South Florida. Also discussed were the blurring lines of services offered by PR, ad, social media and digital agencies. The second half was a Q&A with the seniors discussing the various career options as well as the top professional organizations to engage agency and in-house PR execs looking for talent.
I came away from the evening wondering how the trend of bringing university classes online is such a good idea. Don’t you think half the learning process is connecting with one’s fellow students and professors who really care about what they are doing? I do.