
Receiving an award or recognition is a significant achievement that brings a variety of benefits to your company. As a business leader, you want your company to win awards, but it’s not always top of mind.  That’s why CEOs and Entrepreneurs rely on BoardroomPR’s highly experienced Public Relations staff, because they understand the importance of winning awards and the value they bring.

Here are four reasons to consider awards and recognition opportunities:

Increase Visibility

Winning an award can give your business more exposure and help reach new audiences. Becoming a finalist or winning builds your reputation, internally and externally. 

Also, think about all the opportunities to spread the news about your award or special recognition:  blogs, social media, eNewsletters, the company website and possibly traditional media such as trade journals and local glossy magazines.  Everyone wants to associate themselves with the best.

Boost Credibility

Awards are a great way to get exposure and recognition in the industry you work in.  Awards also offer easy marketing collateral, which can facilitate high exposure for your company at very little cost. This marketing collateral will help boost credibility among competitors and similar brands.

Company Morale

Awards can lift the self-esteem and motivation of current employees by showing them that you are a recognized employer within your industry. Further, it shows employees that their hard work is appreciated. Employees are proud when the work they do is recognized.  This can encourage them to stay with the company and work harder in the future.

Stand Out

In a world full of competition, your business does everything to try and stand out from the crowd. Winning an award is a good way to do so.  It gives a stronger positioning against your competitors.

There is no question, positive recognition in your industry and the communities you serve is beneficial in so many ways.  Encourage your PR agency to list, track and apply for important awards on your company’s behalf.  Although you may not win all of them, it is a good idea to keep trying and make sure you meet the spirit of the award parameters.

Many award applications are online, and some require similar information.  That’s why it is a good idea to maintain an “awards” file and a calendarized spreadsheet listing the key dates.

Maxwell Brodsky Headshot

Max Brodsky

Account Coordinator

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