Being quoted in a news story or trend article isn’t the only way get more exposure and value. Writing contributed articles or guest blog posts is a great way to boost your profile, and BoardroomPR has mastered the art of placing articles for clients.

Many reputable publications accept these contributed posts, including the Miami Herald Business Monday, The Daily Business Review, Huffington Post and a plethora of trade publications.

According to PR Daily, a request to pen a contributed article is more likely to receive a response from an editor than a request to comment on a story that may or may not be in the works.

The benefits include the ability to use your own words, not having to worry about a quote being misquoted or misconstrued, showing off your firm’s or employee’s expertise, adding to your portfolio and building on your own brand. It also adds value to the publication that may use you for a quote at another time.

Granted, writing takes up time and energy but if you are looking for credibility, exposure and influence in the market, it’s a must.

by: Jessica Shein


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