boardroom 5 Awards

BoardroomPR is proud to announce that it’s the recipient of five industry awards.

The Daily Business Review (DBR) Best Of 2019 has awarded BoardroomPR as the winner in the following categories: Web Design Company, Public Relations Firm and Internet Marketing. This achievement marks the third consecutive year BoardroomPR has been selected for these award categories. Additionally, the agency has been recognized as a part of the DBR Best Of 2019 Hall of Fame for placing in the top three in their categories in the last three years.

This marks the eighth annual Best Of awards and was developed to assist lawyers in identifying the finest legal products and service providers available in their region.

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[READ MORE]: BoardroomPR Recognized Amongst the Nation's Top Crisis PR Firms

In addition to the numerous DBR Best Of 2019 awards that BoardroomPR has received, the agency was also selected as a 2019 Davey Award Winner for website design. With nearly 3,000 entries from across the U.S. and from around the world, the Davey Awards honors the finest creative work from the best companies worldwide.

felipe calderon
[READ MORE]: BoardroomPR Wins Acclaimed Davey Award for Website Design

The 15th Annual Davey Awards were judged and overseen by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA), a 700+ member organization of leading professionals from various disciplines of the visual arts dedicated to embracing progress and the evolving nature of traditional and interactive media.

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