As a platform that has more than two billion active users, Instagram is constantly adding new features to improve user experience and stand out against their competitors. Staying up to date with their never-ending updates and implementing them into your social media marketing strategy is[...]
Read moretag archive: Instagram Stories.
How to Use Instagram Story Features to Boost Engagement 2022
March 21, 2022
Boosting your engagement on Instagram is something everyone seems to want but doesn’t always know how to get. Cue in Instagram Stories! Instagram stories offer endless opportunities to captivate your audience and interact with them by bringing your brand narrative to life. Unlike posting pictures/videos[...]
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Instagram: 3 Major Changes to Know About Right Now
November 4, 2021
Instagram has gone through its fair share of changes, additions and subtractions – some welcomed and others not so much. But with every change, we’ve adapted and made it fit into our social media strategy. Here are three major Instagram changes you need to know about right now. 1. You get a link[...]
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According to Instagram, 500 million people interact with Instagram Stories every day, 58% of people say they have become more interested in a brand or product after seeing it in Stories, and 50% of people have visited a website to make a purchase after seeing[...]
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