posts under: Newsroom.

BoardroomPR’s own Storyteller, Hayley Brooks, joined Tyler Wagner on his Author’s Unite podcast this week. She and her frequent collaborator, Katherine Kirkinis – The Head of Career Assessment at Wanderlust Careers – spoke with Wagner about building one’s career narrative and how to define and[...]

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Hayley Blog post

boardroomPR client & prolific Florida law firm, Shutts & Bowen, was recently gauged as an industry leader by Forbes on the effect the CARES act will have on retailers in light of world events. “Certain banks are moving faster than others, and community banks seem[...]

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Shutts Feature in Forbes

BoardroomPR Vice President Eric Kalis appeared on commercial real estate client RKW Residential’s new “15 for 15” video interview series. The multifamily property management firm is hosting 15-minute conversations with business leaders about the challenges they are facing – and overcoming – during the COVID-19[...]

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15 for 15

The CDC instructs that “social distancing” is the best way for us to keep ourselves, and others, safe amidst the pandemic that is COVID19. Wondering what it’s all about? We’ve got the quick breakdown here with everything you need to know: Social distancing refers to[...]

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Social Distancing

Handling bet-the-ranch crises for some of the state’s top companies, schools, not-for-profits and law firms has been a mainstay of BoardroomPR’s Florida PR consultancy for three decades. On average, we handle two to three crisis matters each month. From litigation, investigations, employee disputes to false[...]

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boardroom odwyers

Musings for 2020

January 9, 2020

I want to be sure to start off 2020 on the best possible foot—in business and in everything else. As a Public Relations and Crisis Communications Expert, I’m constantly learning about what resonates with people from my clients and from positioning new projects and campaigns.[...]

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Muse 2020