Video is More Important than Ever for PR and Marketing Campaigns
April 5, 2021

Developing a narrative and capturing an audience through video is now more important than ever for successful PR and marketing campaigns. Video tells a story that static images cannot. Adding video to your campaign objectives can be an exciting challenge, especially with BoardroomPR client Associated Builders and Contractors Florida East Coast Chapter (ABC FEC). A successful videographer will make their end product so flawless that it looks easy to create. But what happens behind the scenes before a successful film is published can be an intricately involved technical process. Here’s an inside look at that process with the voice of commercial construction.
Our Team
BoardroomPR Creative Director Felipe Calderon and Multimedia Account Executive Zoe Haugen are the team members that make client video projects come to life. Calderon and Haugen can turn a concept into a high-quality film, and in between is where the magic happens. The concept will typically originate from the client or their account team. BoardroomPR COO Donald Silver and VP Jennifer Clarin lead the ABC FEC account and frequently brainstorm plans for the next new video.
The first step after the client and account team agree on a video idea is organizing thoughts into a structured foundation, which filmmakers call storyboarding. A storyboard is a visual representation of a film sequence that breaks down the action into individual panels. It is a series of ordered drawings, with camera direction, dialogue, or other pertinent details. It sketches out how a video will unfold, shot by shot and frame by frame. With the ABC FEC Women in Construction video, for example, the storyboard mapped out which prominent women in the chapter would be the face of the video, what they would say when they would say it, what would be on-screen while they’re speaking and what camera angles would be used for each speaker.
While the storyboard provides generalized summaries of what the video dialogue will be about, a script must be written as the next step in order to direct the details of how the video will play out. While writing the script for a recent video of a board member discussing the impact of ABC FEC on the construction industry, BoardroomPR worked with the client to come up with a series of questions and answers that would be recorded interview style. The team had to keep in mind certain factors when crafting each response, such as making sure the question is restated because it would be edited out of the video or making sure the answers were worded succinctly to stay in line with time constraints.
Finally, the video is filmed and the main focus is making sure all of the technology is functioning properly so it captures the image it is intended to. An average checklist would consist of cameras, tripods, batteries, memory cards, microphones, lights and headphones to name a few. Camera operators give themselves about an hour to set up for a shoot. In the case of the ABC FEC interview style videos, a second person is also needed to ask the subject the questions. In addition to the interview, b-roll footage or any supplemental video that is considered to be secondary to the primary footage, should be filmed in order to keep the viewer’s attention.
The editing process is painstakingly elaborate but extremely important, as it glues all of the individual elements together to form a final product. With complex editing software, the post-production team marries sound bites, b-roll, music, effects, captioning, color correcting, and graphic animations to create a high-quality professional video. Exporting is the best part because it’s the last step before the video is complete!
Multimedia Services
At BoardroomPR, we integrate multimedia as one of many forms of information consumption. Video, in particular, is perhaps the most popular and sought-after. In today’s market, consumers and people alike indulge in multimedia that illustrates relevant topics and entertainment. Video is often used to get the most information across in the least time and effort possible for the viewer. Whether it is through the medium of videos, branding campaigns or motion graphics, we aim to position you as a thought leader in the community as a method of engaging your audience in the most effective and efficient way.
Video, as a multimedia medium, pairs exceptionally well with text-based content. While narrative text can be excellent on its own, a video can serve to engage your audience longer. Online news outlets in particular are using this strategy to attract readers. Pairing video with news stories not only makes the news more comprehensive, but it also engages an audience longer and increases their chances of sticking with that news source.
To bring positive attention to your company’s brand and reputation, BoardroomPR is the perfect partner to help you turn up the volume and get noticed. For three decades, our talented group of PR, marketing and multimedia professionals have created award-winning campaigns for Florida’s top entrepreneurs, law firms, corporations, and nonprofits. Our job is to work hard behind the scenes to make you and your brands shine.. Whether through traditional, social, or digital media, we know how to craft the right message and target the right audiences, all while having a little fun along the way!
Contact us today at (954) 370-8999 to see what we can do for you.

Zoë Haugen
Multimedia Account Executive