posts under: Newsroom.

One of the things that BoardroomPR prides itself on the most is its dedication to the communities it serves. From representing non-profits to our team members serving on civic and charitable boards of directors, Boardroom knows the importance of supporting and highlighting important organizations making[...]

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Champions for Children

Recently, The Walt Disney Company was front and center in a media crisis surrounding a piece of controversial legislation in the State of Florida. The company took criticism from employees, Florida’s governor, lawmakers and members of the public, leading some to wonder if all the negative[...]

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todd wptv

Thought leadership is an important component of any national or Florida public relations campaign. The more times a client is mentioned in the media in conjunction with a topic highlighting their expertise and unique perspective, the more they will be viewed as a credible source of insight[...]

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The pandemic changed perceptions about how business should be conducted and created new efficiencies that will endure long after it ends. Marketing professionals developed creative strategies to maintain relevancy – for themselves and their clients – in a digital-first world with scarce opportunities for in-person[...]

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Julie Blog

The Keyes Company and its affiliate Illustrated Properties, both longtime residential real estate clients of BoardroomPR, released the quarterly Keyes/Illustrated Luxury Report. South Florida’s high-end residential market continued to experience substantial pricing gains during the third quarter of 2021, but Keyes/Illustrated raised important questions about whether supply can keep up with feverish buyer[...]

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Instagram has gone through its fair share of changes, additions and subtractions – some welcomed and others not so much. But with every change, we’ve adapted and made it fit into our social media strategy. Here are three major Instagram changes you need to know about right now.  1. You get a link[...]

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Instagram Changes Update