
With news this big, national outlets need to know. Today, BoardroomPR broke the news of former NFL quarterback Michael Vick’s bankruptcy case update. The first to break it was USA Today. Check out the full story here. If you’re interested in maximizing your coverage, call[...]

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Want to reach a lot of people in a short amount of time? A press conference may be the answer. Here are a few things you should consider when planning your next news conference. Consider the Day and Time: Be sure you are giving the[...]

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While Hurricane Irma had its sights set on Florida days before a potential landfall, news agencies were in overdrive.  They were pursuing any angle they could find to fill a 24/7 news hole.   While most of the coverage focused on storm tracks, preparation tips and[...]

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Yes — social media allows businesses to have direct communication with their target audience. On these platforms, businesses can engage in two-way conversations where they’re ultimately building individual relationships. But like any relationship, there can be disagreements and negative feelings expressed on these platforms, which[...]

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On Thursday, September 14, Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El Connex is hosting their first business networking / breakfast event where attendees can mingle with some of South Florida’s best and brightest and learn how to become a rainmaker. Sponsored by us, the event begins at 8[...]

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