posts under: Public Relations.

When an organization’s leader is the face of the brand, its image impacts the company’s perceived character. From the White House to the coffee shop to the friendly skies, 2019 provided daily examples of how to – and how not to – respond to a[...]

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Julie Byline Article revamp

Want to reach a lot of people in a short amount of time? A press conference may be the answer. Here are a few things you should consider when planning your next news conference. Consider the Day and Time: Be sure you are giving the[...]

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While Hurricane Irma had its sights set on Florida days before a potential landfall, news agencies were in overdrive.  They were pursuing any angle they could find to fill a 24/7 news hole.   While most of the coverage focused on storm tracks, preparation tips and[...]

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PR is on the up and up! According to a new report from the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) and the USC Center for Public Relations at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism this week, 75% of marketers surveyed plan to ramp up their[...]

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