posts under: Social Media.

Legal Eagle Florida, a Facebook community dedicated to all things related to the legal industry  in the state of Florida, is proud to have celebrated its fifth anniversary in December. Founded by BoardroomPR president Julie Talenfeld, the group has reached more than 2,700 members and[...]

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Legal Eagle Blog 2

SEO-rious Google Rankings

November 2, 2020

Are you finding it hard to rank your business high on Google? You’re certainly not alone. Luckily, there are strategies you can utilize to leverage your brand amidst the world’s largest search engine. The usage of these strategies is referred to as Search Engine Optimization,[...]

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If you’re a local business, you’re probably using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and maybe even Snapchat or TikTok in some capacity to keep your customers or clients up-to-date on your offerings or services, business hours, menu items, etc. But there’s probably one social media network[...]

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Mara GMB

boardroomPR’s social media manager, Ashley Kearns, was featured in in an article titled “8 Social Media Marketing Tips for Real Estate Agents.” Here, top agents and marketing pros throughout the real estate industry share their best tips to help agents and brokers grow a[...]

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8 Social Tips

BoardroomPR, one of Florida’s largest public relations and integrated marketing agencies, announced that Jamie Avalon has officially joined the firm as a Digital PR Specialist. She had been a Boardroom intern while studying communications at Florida State University and has been working in a variety of roles[...]

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Jamie 1

Recent lifestyle changes mandated throughout the state of Florida due to the coronavirus pandemic have directly impacted how we spend our time online. Now, we’ve had to turn to spending more time on the Internet for work, pleasure, and socializing. A New York Times analysis[...]

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Is Facebook Lead Gen a Good Fit for your Company