posts under: Public Relations.

Thought leadership is an important component of any national or Florida public relations campaign. The more times a client is mentioned in the media in conjunction with a topic highlighting their expertise and unique perspective, the more they will be viewed as a credible source of insight[...]

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In order to truly stand apart, becoming a true Thought Leader is imperative. At BoardroomPR, we view Thought leadership as an open opportunity for an accomplished individual to become a credible, established source on a topic or issue that people are passionate about, and seeking[...]

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South Motors

As one of South Florida’s leading public relations agencies, it is as important to retain important clients as it is to sign new ones. One of Boardroom’s marquee public service clients, The Children’s Trust, just voted to retain the firm in its next fiscal year for its media relations needs.    The Children’s Trust is a dedicated source of[...]

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Childrens Trust

With vaccination numbers on the rise, and COVID-related restrictions loosening, things are finally starting to go back to “normal” in this new post-pandemic world. For businesses, this means a transition back to the office is imminent, and in-person networking events are officially back. When the[...]

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As more people get vaccinated, we are seeing events begin to pick back up. However, when it comes to panels and networking we are not yet where we were pre-pandemic. Many people are still working from home and are glued to their phones and computers[...]

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Successful Webinar