tag archive: public relations.

Musings for 2020

January 9, 2020

I want to be sure to start off 2020 on the best possible foot—in business and in everything else. As a Public Relations and Crisis Communications Expert, I’m constantly learning about what resonates with people from my clients and from positioning new projects and campaigns.[...]

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Muse 2020

Any business owner understands their company needs solid marketing and good PR to be successful. It doesn’t matter what stage of growth you are in, clearly communicating your products, services and value proposition to the public is essential. We often hear companies say they want[...]

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Todd Lifestyles Image

Want to reach a lot of people in a short amount of time? A press conference may be the answer. Here are a few things you should consider when planning your next news conference. Consider the Day and Time: Be sure you are giving the[...]

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