In part one of our summer marketing tips series, we shared some simple ways you can jumpstart your marketing and new business development efforts this season. As Florida public relations pros and social media experts, we’ve seen firsthand how easily marketing objectives can slide to the bottom of a busy professional’s to-do list. Once you’ve completed the steps from our last post, here are some suggestions to take you to the next level:

  1. Get Active on LinkedIn: Now that your profile is up to date, it’s time to start posting consistently. Content could include a link to an article about a new development or trend in your field, a photo of you from an industry event, or you could reshare a post from your company’s LinkedIn page. Visuals are key, so whenever you can include a photo or eye-catching image, it will help grab attention on busy newsfeeds.
  2. Showcase yourself or your company in a video: Video is a great way to tell your story and show your potential clients and customers who you are. If you write a blog, why not record a short video to go with it? Or, if you are frequently asked certain questions, you could create a short Q&A video. If you need more help with this, consider partnering with a top digital PR firm.
  3. Take on a leadership role: While it’s wonderful to join groups, taking on a leadership role maximizes your exposure to the membership. You don’t want to be known as the person who joined but only came to one meeting. Most groups are eager for members to take on committee roles, which could lead to board positions. It is also fulfilling to volunteer your time to a professional group or cause that interests you.

Want to elevate your brand even higher? Contact us at 954-370-8999 to discuss how BoardroomPR can create a comprehensive digital media, PR and social media campaign for you this summer. 

Michelle Griffith

Vice President