posts under: Newsroom.

As we look ahead to starting a new year with many of us still working remotely, keep in mind there are still many opportunities for networking and taking on board positions from the safety of your home. The Covid-19 pandemic shocked the business community earlier[...]

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Giving Back during the Pandemic

In the midst of a pandemic, it is more important than ever to maintain a positive, strong relationship within the media, and collaborating with social media influencers is a great way to do so. This allows you to quickly and efficiently raise awareness of ongoing campaigns, while[...]

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Influencer 1

PR is a not a place for modesty. If you do something noteworthy, tell everyone! There’s no glory in being your industry’s best kept secret. We love working with local media, but we have equally strong connections with reporters at the national level. While not[...]

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Justice For Kids Stacie

BoardroomPR, one of Florida’s top public relations firms, is pleased to be offering its public relations expertise to its newest client, The Children’s Trust. The Children’s Trust is a dedicated source of revenue established by voter referendum to improve the lives of children and families in Miami-Dade County. Its mission is[...]

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Childrens Trust

Community banks have received a lot of good publicity this year for helping clients receive federal COVID relief funds, most notably from the Paycheck Protection Program, known as PPP.  Many businesses found dealing with a community bank a more pleasurable and effective experience compared to[...]

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