
BoardroomPR, one of Florida’s largest public relations and integrated marketing agencies, announced that Jamie Avalon has officially joined the firm as a Digital PR Specialist. She had been a Boardroom intern while studying communications at Florida State University and has been working in a variety of roles[...]

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Jamie 1

You have superior legal abilities, but are you recognized by Florida Super Lawyers? Each year when it comes time to cast ballots for the annual listing of the state’s top legal talent, we are asked by our law firm clients about the best strategies for[...]

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Super Lawyers

To get the most out of your company’s marketing during a pandemic, you might want to consider partnering up! Joining forces with other local businesses or thought leaders can help you get your message across to a broader audience while possibly helping more people in[...]

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Partnering up in a pandemic

Throughout the pandemic, JAFCO, a nonprofit organization providing services to abused and neglected children and those with developmental disabilities in South Florida, has worked harder than ever to continue supporting its community. When facilities and schools were forced shut in March, JAFCO didn’t miss a[...]

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Today is #NationalInternDay! Internships are one of the most important experiences a student can have. One can argue that you actually learn more about your desired field being an intern than you would from a lecture or textbook. Most importantly, it’s a great way to[...]

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