posts under: Event Planning.

BoardroomPR real estate client Florida East Coast Realty, LLC, recently celebrated Tibor and Sheila Hollo Park, a park that so many urban Miamians have grown to love on the Brickell corridor. Dignitaries from the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County officially honored Tibor and Sheila[...]

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With vaccination numbers on the rise, and COVID-related restrictions loosening, things are finally starting to go back to “normal” in this new post-pandemic world. For businesses, this means a transition back to the office is imminent, and in-person networking events are officially back. When the[...]

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The Fort Lauderdale Water Taxi, a staple attraction in South Florida, never disappoints during the holiday season and this year is no exception. The boats—which are decorated and lit up with holiday spirit—are back on the water and offering their annual Holiday Lights Cruises. Each Holiday[...]

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Water Taxi

Summers in South Florida are a certain kind of hell. The heat, the humidity, and the always punctual 4pm tropical storms that ravage us day in and day out find me generally staying inside and cranking up the air bigtime. With the current state of[...]

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Julie Byline Article revamp

There has been a cascade of consequences from the devastation of COVID19. While many industries—hospitality, events, etc.—have taken a big hit, BoardroomPR is also particularly concerned about charities who to have had to cancel fundraising events and are thus unable to raise much needed operating[...]

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